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About Olinca school
Olinca is an international school committed to academic excellence that offers an education in key competencies and life skills from a global perspective with an integrated curriculum. We believe in providing social-emotional accompaniment to all our students, combined with a deep social and environmental commitment.
Since 2022, we have been part of the Cognita group, a London-based network of select schools in the United Kingdom, Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, and other countries.
Education in key competencies and life skills
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International school with a global perspective
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Social and environmental commitment
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Socio-emotional support
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Our roots
To understand Olinca, we need to look at the origin of the name, which is made up of two Nahuatl words: ollin (movement) and atl (water), which translates as ‘water in movement’. That perfectly sums up the spirit of our school: we are movement, change, evolution, innovation. Deeply proud of our Mexican roots without losing our global perspective.
Since the foundation of the school in 1973, we have stood out by being at the forefront of new trends such as the adoption of the International Baccalaureate in the 1980s. In the same way, the incorporation of a community service program from preschool through High school/Diploma and more recently, the incorporation of the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for all our academic programs.
Our founder “Miss Tere”
A visionary woman and leader in education, Miss Tere opened up the option of global standards for students in Mexico City. Her commitment to Mexico and education with the International Baccalaureate has left a deep impression on thousands of students.
In 1973, with her deep love for Mexico and an international vision, María Teresa Compeán Palacios founded Colegio Olinca with the mission of forming better human beings.
She brought the IB program to Mexico and promoted the program as a member of the IBO Council (International Baccalaureate Organization) based in Switzerland, she also initiated the as well as founder and promoter of national and international student and teacher exchanges, the community service programs and promoted a culture of continuous innovation.
Miss Tere has also been part of many foundations that support children, youth, senior citizens, and cultural initiatives.
She participated as a speaker in numerous conferences on education and leadership in Mexico and in other countries such as Argentina, the United States, Canada, England, Cuba, Ecuador, Switzerland, India, and Singapore.
She co-founded and advised on the curriculum and school organization In Mexican schools such as Colegio Arjí in Villahermosa Tabasco, Colegio Nautilus in Acapulco Guerrero, Colegio Argos, Colegio Cenca and Colegio Buena Tierra in Metepec, State of Mexico and Colegio Amaranto in Los Cabos, Baja California Sur.
The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you. Thank you for this moment in life,
for the opportunity of touching their lives,
for making a difference.
Miss Tere
Looking towards the future
We seek to be at the forefront – we offer robotics, coding, design, entrepreneurship, and STEAM workshops as part of our curriculum. We also use world-class educational platforms such as Knotion that facilitate our approach to knowledge and allow our students to exercise their role as digital learners.
We are a community passionate about meaningful education, with a deep social and environmental commitment, inspired by making everything we undertake count in our own lives and in the lives of others.